King Krule - Paramount Theatre - 09.21.23 - Photos by Emmett Orgass

“ARCHYYYYY I LOVE YOU DAWG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR TEN FUCKIN YEARSSSS” bellows a man careening over the Paramount’s second-story balcony, willing to risk bodily harm for the sake of loving Archy Marshall, or as he is better known, King Krule.

I hadn’t been waiting for King Krule’s show for ten years, but I had bought tickets the day they came out, long before I knew if I would ever have the opportunity to shoot it. He's a pretty special artist to me. Over the last twelve months, King Krule has been an omnipresent force in my life’s soundtrack. I remember flying back to Seattle last winter, after being home with my family for the holidays, when King Krule’s 2013 release, Six Feet Beneath the Moon, was the only album I had downloaded to my phone. On that cross-country, middle-of-the-night journey across the country, I listened to King Krule pour his soul out for six hours. And since landing, that act of soul-pouring has been on regular rotation. While walking down to the Paramount last Wednesday night, I felt like I was about to meet a dear friend I hadn’t seen in years.

This was King Krule’s Space Heavy tour, a follow-up to his album by the same name. King Krule’s Space Heavy era marks a distinct transition away from his grungier, stringier past albums, now more firmly set on infusing an atmosphere with reflection, strength, doubt, and compassion.

Before playing “Out Getting Ribs”, the song many consider his masterpiece, King Krule stepped to the microphone to preach. In darkness, he uttered, “There’s a deep complex space between all of us, inside all of us. Please, please, look after each other”. In that dimly lit theater, where it was quiet enough to hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof between songs, you could feel Archy’s voice carrying the weight of the world.

--Review by Emmett Orgass

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